The Woman and Her Emancipation in Ancient Athens

Compared to the Homeric era, the situation of Greek women has deteriorated since the beginning of the development of democracy. A certain influence on this would have had the East, and most importantly – the education and development of wider urban political life, had first to dig up the gap between husband and wife. The…

Ancient State and Politics: Greece and Rome

The history of the ancient Greek world is studied in the early school years and is very popular among people who want to understand how a society should work, considering that most of the political and social ideas we have today are actually inherited or inspired by the famous past of the ancient Greeks. The…

80 years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Today is the day from 80 years since the attempt on the life of Leon Trotsky. He is known to have passed away the day after being wounded by Ramon Mercader. Right now I am reading a collection of Trotsky’s speeches on the future of Europe and America. Interestingly, back in 1924, he made a…

What caused the Vendée peasants to oppose the French Revolution?

Many revolutionary reforms of the French government, despite their progressive nature, were carried out by harsh and inept methods, often involving violence and violation of the rights of citizens. In this regard, they often led to directly opposite results – they caused an increase in conservative sentiments, formed the protest potential of the population and…

What’s the flag protesters use in Belarus?

Presidential elections, long discussed, disputed and long awaited, took place in the Republic of Belarus on 9 August 2020. This time, Europe’s last dictator, Alexander Lukashenko, who has ruled the country for 26 years, faces strong resistance from citizens fed up with his regime and eager for democratic change. On the night after the election,…

Goodbye Saint Sophia, vale Sancta Sapientia

On July 2, the Turkish Supreme Administrative Court ruled at the meeting that lasted only about 20 minutes. According to its results, the judges stated that it is possible to turn the museum into a mosque by presidential decree. Hagia Sophia is the property of Sultan Mehmed II Fatih, who conquered Constantinople in 1453. He…

“Practicality” in the national question as seen by V.I. Lenin

”Let us consider the position of an oppressor nation. Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? It cannot. The interests of the freedom of the Great-Russian population[*] require a struggle against such oppression. The long, centuries-old history of the suppression of the movements of the oppressed nations, and the systematic propaganda in favour…

Lenin the tyrant, Lenin the terrorist

Was Lenin good or not? Is the leader of the Peasant-Workers’ Revolution of 1917 worth the monuments and flowers, the study of his works and the veneration of his cult? What did Vladimir Ilyich think about peasants and workers, how did he cut his way to communism through blood and terror? All these questions are…

The children of Hamelin, Transylvania and witchcraft

Once upon a time, around 1284, there was an invasion of rats in the German city of Hamelin. No measures taken by the inhabitants have stopped this extremely unpleasant phenomenon. There were so many rats that they attacked cats and dogs, and bit the newborns in their swings. The desperate magistrate promised a reward to…

About expensive unnecessary research and studies

The controversial President of the Federative Republic of Brazil Jair Messias Bolsonaro decided at some point in April 2019 to stop funding the study of philosophy and sociology because it would not be necessary enough for Brazilian society. Society often discusses the usefulness of things financed by public money. In this case, the Ministry of…

About the institution of slavery in the ancient Greece

On Sunday, June 7, in Bristol, England, the statue of a famous merchant and philanthropist, important to the Bristol community but also a great slave seller, was taken down. Thus, the idea came to me to tell you a little about slavery as a phenomenon that has been the basis of many civilizations, but different…

The black racists of today against the white racists of the past

According to Euronews, ‘anti-racism protesters in the English city of Bristol tore down the controversial statue of slave trader Edward Colston on Sunday after years of wrangling over his checkered legacy.’ The controversial legacy of the European elite is going ‘under fire’ while black racists who call themselves ‘anti-racism protesters’ are rioting in the United…